Soil for reforestation.

4Terra dramatically improves the biodiversity and resilience of replanted forests.

Faster growing trees
Increased biodiversity and habitat
A higher tree survival rate
More resilient forests
A climate change solution
Carbon credit revenue

Same location, same time frame: Moore’s Creek Reforestation Project

Without 4Terra

Same location, same time frame: Moore’s Creek Reforestation Project

With 4Terra

4Terra's Reforestation System:
Three Pillars = Resilient Forests

1. Fertility

4Terra restores forest soil productivity with its breakthrough soil fertility amendment that delivers thousands of dozens of essential minerals, beneficial microbes, and high-quality and stable organic matter. The result is trees that grow much faster and are more resistant to insects and disease, resulting in a higher tree survival rate than the 50% survival rate norm.

2. Multi-species tree planting

Most reforestation projects worldwide plant just one tree species. This compromises biodiversity and constrains the overall productivity and health of the forest. 4Terra uses a 20-species mix of trees in its reforestation projects to ensure biodiversity, ecosystem health, and long-term resilience.

3. Unique planting process

4Terra has developed a proprietary planting process that effectively ensures the uptake of the key nutrients in amended soils by young plants as they grow.

At scale, 4Terra's soil amendment will have measurable positive effects on climate change, rainfall & biodiversity in our forests.

On projects where 4Terra’s soil fertility has been applied the results have been 4 and 5 x normal tree growth and 90% survival rate.

Jamal Kadri of Lima Family Farms holds a control tree that is 2 feet tall (without 4Terra’s fertility) next to a test tree to his left which is 7 feet tall (with 4Terra’s fertility). Both trees were planted in late May 2022.

More powerful examples of our amendment fertility at Moore’s Creek.

Same location, same time frame: Moore’s Creek Reforestation Project

Without 4Terra

Same location, same time frame: Moore’s Creek Reforestation Project

With 4Terra

Same location, same time frame: Moore’s Creek Reforestation Project

Without 4Terra

Same location, same time frame: Moore’s Creek Reforestation Project

With 4Terra

Same location, same time frame: Moore’s Creek Reforestation Project
Black Gum

Without 4Terra

Same location, same time frame: Moore’s Creek Reforestation Project
Black Gum

With 4Terra

Overview of our methodology:

4Terra’s Reforestation System combines our powerful soil fertility with a 20-species mix of trees that ensure bio-diverse forests, much higher (71%) tree growth rates, and far higher tree survival rates than today’s 50% norm.

More tree growth is key because with it comes more rainfall, evapotranspiration, cloud formation and reflection of solar energy, all of which keep the earth cooler.

Demonstration project — Moore’s Creek reforestation
2021 and 2022

Conducted pilot among two year old trees in a reforestation project funded by Mercer County NJ, in Lambertville, NJ. In June 2021, 100 of the two-year old test plants received our soil fertility amendment and were measured. Some 50 control plants, grown in the exact same land area and under the exact same conditions, did not receive our fertility.

The trees with our fertility achieved a 71% higher growth rate when measured in September 2021. Notably, the same result was achieved in measurements in summer of 2022, even despite an extreme drought in Central New Jersey in 2022. Results were measured by Steward Green, an environmental consultancy based in New Jersey.

Demonstration project
Summer 2022

As part of our ongoing R&D on reforestation, we planted 12,000 trees in summer of 2022, comparing results with our soil fertility amendment versus without.

Lima Family Farms Hillsborough, NJ

Without 4Terra

Lima Family Farms Hillsborough, NJ

With 4Terra

Results — demonstration project 2022

The soil that received our fertility amendment generated trees that averaged 6 to 7 feet tall. Without our fertility the trees averaged 1.5 feet to 2 feet tall. In addition to height, the trees that received our fertility were more robust, had more branches and “girth,” were darker green and overall appeared much healthier.

Soil is a biochemically complex ecosystem.
The right combination is powerful.

Large Volumes Applied — 10 tons per acre

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